Who are we?

ApprenticeSearch.com is a free online job search and matching platform with an exclusive focus on apprenticeship and skilled trade positions in Canada. We’re more than just a technological solution to job searching – we’re also a passionate team of professionals who are available to offer support and guidance to both employers and apprentices.

What exactly do we do?

We’re committed to:

  • Offering a free online platform that connects employers and job seekers in the skilled trades;
  • Providing free resources on the skilled trades;
  • Promoting the skilled trades as a viable career pathways;
  • Educating the community on the skilled trades as a career pathway;
  • Providing personal support to employers and job seekers in the skilled trades.

Why do we do what we do?

Skill shortages are an ongoing problem in the Canadian labour market. The high numbers of skilled trades’ people who will be retiring within the next decade will only make the problem worse.

This has a serious effect on labour market productivity, growth and competitiveness at home and abroad. Ironically, this issue is happening at a time when there is also a high number of unemployed and underemployed youth, many who lack employable skills, the awareness of where they can enroll in training, or the connections to find employers who want to hire people.

To help address these issues, ApprenticeSearch.com aims to drive awareness of the trades and foster connectivity between employers and job seekers. Applicants and employers rely on our services and proven ability to make connections that get people to the next step. In fact, many of our current employers completed their apprenticeship by using Apprenticesearch.com

Who Can Use ApprenticeSearch.com?

Anyone can access information and resources on the website. Registration is required to search for jobs, respond to job postings, post jobs, or search for candidates.

What Can You Do on ApprenticeSearch.com?

As a job seeker…

As an employer…


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